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"My Soulful Life" with Claire de Caluwe

Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions – inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living  compass - we ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self


This month we’re talking to Dutch ballerina Claire de Caluwe who is face of our Good Fortune campaign for the Soulful Rituals collection. After training at the Dutch National Ballet Academy in Amsterdam, de Caluwe continued studying dance for a further 9 years across The Netherlands gaining a prestigious placement in the Young Talent Program at the Scapino Ballet in Rotterdam. Continuing with her dancing career, de Caluwe also works as a model for international brands. She features in our Soulful Rituals campaign, where her ballet performance perfectly captures the grace, gratitude and positivity embodied within the products themselves and across The Art of Soulful Living 


1. When in the day are you at your most reflective? 

“My dreams inspire the most reflection point during my day. Every morning in the shower, I take time to reflect on my dreams and get inspiration for the day. I always get creative input in the shower.” 


2. What one person, place or thing is guaranteed to give you joy? 

“Travelling and meeting new people and places brings me joy, and being surrounded by creative people inspires me to find happiness. Another thing guaranteed to give me joy is eating a mango!” 


3. Do you think it’s more important to forgive or forget? 

“First, you have to forgive before you forget. You will not eliminate the negative energy if you don’t surrender to forgiveness. Although I am not sure if you can 100% forget, but I believe you will get more understanding once you forgive.” 


4. Which moment in your life are you most grateful for? 

“I am grateful for the support of my family. Without them, I would not be in the place where I am now. I started following my dreams as a professional dancer when I was young, and they made it possible for me to follow and enjoy my passion and this journey.” 


5. Have you found your life’s purpose yet? 

“I am still discovering what’s living inside of me. The most important thing is to be in the moment and enjoy life to the fullest. I am always looking for surroundings where I can grow as a human being.”  


6. Do you believe that compassion can be taught? 

“Compassion is deeply rooted in human nature; some are born with it more than others. However, compassion has a lot to do with experience. The most important thing is that your heart has to be open to feel and experience compassion.”  


7. What do you wish you could do more mindfully? 

“I always eat super fast. A friend of mine told me about mindful eating, and it really helps to take the time and enjoy the food by eating slowly and being more mindful when doing so.” 


8. How would someone know that you love them? 

“People will feel it from my energy. I love taking care of people, letting them feel comfortable with my attention and effort, that’s something I care about.” 


9. Which 3 words describe your authentic self? How often does she appear? 

“Vulnerable, dreamy, and wholehearted. She connects to me every single day.”  


10. Are you faithful or fickle with your passions? 

“Faithful! I’m loyal and passionate about everything I do. I would say I am emotionally sensitive and aware.” 


11. When in your life have you most needed a positive mind-set? 

“When I was around 12 years old, I got a foot injury. My revaluation process was a tough struggle. Seeing all my classmates training in the studio while trying to walk again got me in a dark place. I take my passion seriously, which made the struggle even more complicated. Looking back, people contributed to this mind-set by sending positive energy.” 


12. What is always guaranteed to grab your awareness and keep you in the moment? 

“Meeting new, creative and inspiring people. Souls with a passion keep me in the moment. The time around COVID-19 made me realise how important it is to live in the moment. Life is unpredictable, so you have to enjoy it.” 


13. What was the last random act of kindness you did or witnessed?

“When I send flowers to people that I care about.” 

To learn more about the 13 points of The Art of Soulful Living compass, and how you can use them to boost your personal wellbeing, click here.