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Podcast: Reflections and new beginnings in China

In early January 2020, reports emerged from China of a new pneumonia-like virus cutting swathes through the population. The world watched as the country closed its doors, and eventually its borders, to COVID-19. We then followed suit as country after country quarantined their own citizens to ward off the disease. 


Now, China is on the upswing. Restrictions are easing, and people are allowed to meet up and circulate again. This new reality functions as a vision from the future for the rest of us, as we all look toward a new beginning. Join our host Yumi as she speaks to residents of China about their experiences in quarantine, from navigating relationships while at home, what they stocked up on, and their experiences coping with life during these strange times.


In Mandarin, the word for crisis, weiji, is linked to the word for opportunity. Listen and learn lessons on how we all can find opportunities and new hope from this crisis.